Mateólika - (10") - "En Llamas" ** w/con: download card! - Rumba World Punk Poet!
David Mateos (Mateólika) began his musical career as the singer (& show-man) for the Catalonian band Stoy Ke Trino, honing his hypnotic-stage-show and ultimately developing his solo-project (Mateólika) into a truly-free, satirical & often theatrical presentation... Here, we present some of Mateólika's most anthemic compositions, with his rumba-tinged riffs and occasional caribbean rhythms, we have found his music to be as delightful as it-is combative & as raw as it is refined... We are actually quite honored to be presenting his defiant, intelligent & evocative voice via the 10" format (in particular), as in assembling this very Release, we were inspired by the punky reggae 10" classic "Black Market Clash" and thus, paid a slight-homage via the Center-Label design, with the hope of evoking that same rebellious spirit... Here we present: Mateólika “En Llamas”...
The Hour Has Finally Arrived!!! We Are Extremely Excited To Finally Present To You Our First-Ever 10" Platter By The Enigmatic Singer / Songwriter & Punk-Poet-Extrordinaire, Mateólika!... Featuring 2 Stunning Wax Versions (this time around), We Present To You Our Beloved Classic-Black For The Traditionalists Out-There, Along With Our Deluxe "En Llamas" Color-Variant Which Features A Beautiful Mix of Orange, Oxblood & Canary To Create A Stunning & Complimentary Configuration...
Please Consider Picking This One-Up, A Truly Solid & Wonderful Release (in our collective humble opinion), We Hope That You Too Will Add This-One To Your Collection... GRACIAS!!!
Les Compartimos Este Nuevo Lanzamiento por el Gran Punk-Rumbero (de la Letra Dorada), Conocido Profesionalmente Como Mateólika, Este Recopilatorio Nos Muestra un Poco de Su Excelente Obra Cultural, Combativa, En Vez Irónica, Pero Siempre Repleto de Humanidad... Disponible El Sábado 2 de Marzo Por Medio de Nuestro Sitio Cibernético e Directamente Con El Buen Mateo(lika), Un Prensaje de 500 Copias, Nuestro Primer Lanzamiento a 10", Es Un Placer (honor) Presentarles Este Nuevo Lanzamiento, de Todo Corazón...
* 150 units - “Classic Black”
* 350 units - “En Llamas”: AsideBside: Halloween Orange & Oxblood w/ Yellow Splatter!